Regenerating a Watershed: ReSiMar Q4 Strategy Retreat


PLAYA VIVA | 11-14 December 2024


Join us

The quarterly strategy retreats for the ReSiMar Watershed regeneration project, hosted at Playa Viva, bring together leading minds in community and watershed development.

For our Q4 convening from 11-14 December 2024 we are inviting a few key guests to join our Node Leaders and Node Advisors in learning, sharing, exploring, strategizing and advancing our work in making the planet a better place for all.

This collaborative environment reinforces the project’s goals, strengthens community ties, and amplifies the impact of regenerative practices within the watershed and beyond.

If you would like to understand more about small coastal community regeneration with a whole systems thinking, multi-nodal approach and feel you can contribute to the programming please complete the form linked below.

Current ReSiMar Nodes


Node Leader: Ximena Rodriguez

Node Advisor: Patricia Vázquez del Mercado Herrera, Mexicanos Primero

Marine Conservation

Node Leader: Larissa Hernandez

Node Advisor: Pablo Noe Castro Moreno, LegacyWorks Group


Node Leader: Osmaira Hernandez

Node Advisor: Amanda Harris, Permaculture Manager at Playa Viva


Node Leader: Recruiting

Node Advisor: Teresa Gutierrez, FCEA – Fondo para la Comunicación y la Educación Ambiental

Strategic direction across all nodes led by Martin Goebel and James Honey of LegacyWorks Group


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