Help Secure Water for the Town of Rancho Nuevo

Posted by Playa Viva on March 9, 2022

When we see pictures of kids playing in a river full of water, it is hard to imagine that their families could have no water at home.

But that is the reality for the residents of Rancho Nuevo. They have been living without water in their homes for nearly three months. This small agricultural town in the mountains near Playa Viva is home to roughly 60 families and 250 residents. A beautiful stream runs through the town of Rancho Nuevo. Other key landmarks are a small church, two schools, and a vibrant community that all depend on this water to survive.

Back in November 2021, their water pump broke — the one that distributes water through piping to each individual home in the town. The community raised money to repair the pump, but it has continued to break. Finally, the pump technician informed the Community Water Committee that they needed a new pump. The old one simply could not be repaired anymore.

Families have been forced to scramble to figure out how they will get water to their homes. Simple chores such as washing dishes, doing laundry and luxuries like taking a shower have become complicated tasks and unattainable comforts.

Without the pump delivering water to each home, residents now have to pay someone who has a truck with a water pump to go to the river and fill their tinaco (water tank). One tinaco of water only lasts a few days for a family of four, so paying for this service adds up quickly. For families on a tight budget, water has suddenly become a huge luxury that is hard to afford. As the dry season begins to settle in, the cost of this delivery service is only getting more and more expensive.

The Rancho Nuevo Water Committee approached Playa Viva this month asking if we could support them in raising the funds for a new community pump. The total cost is $4750 USD, including installation costs. Residents have raised $750 through community fundraisers and donations. We are now helping them raise the remaining $4000.

If you would like to support the families in Rancho Nuevo meet this basic need, please consider making a tax deductible donation via our donation page with The Ocean Foundation. Under the section “What would you like to support?” please select “Water Security.”

For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to Colleen at

Thank you for helping to send water to the families of Rancho Nuevo. They are incredibly grateful for the support.


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