Good Vibrations

Posted by odysys_admin on December 23, 2007


Television, computer games, leaf blowers, loud generators inflating those gawdawful lawn decorations…

This holiday season, I’m reminded of how lovely it is to hear the sounds of nature. The simple calming music of streams, birds, waves. These are the vibrations I think of when I reflect on Playa Viva. The sounds of nature. The centering effect it has on my spirit.

It’s a part of what makes our environment so soothing. Always there, yet subtle. I believe it is the sounds of nature that finally take over my heart about the second day of my stay. I wasn’t completely aware of this until I was rushed along a busy city street, this week. The part of Playa Viva that hits you the minute you arrive. Calm. Relaxed.

I hope each of us finds some time this holiday week to quietly sit and listen to the sounds of nature.


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