Top Turtle

Publicado por odysys_admin el diciembre 4, 2007

Baby Turtle

Just got the stats from the turtle sanctuary team for November.  Over 42,000 baby turtles were released in November.  The Tortuga Feliz is running at 64% higher than last year and are either the number one or number two largest turtle sanctuary in all of Mexico.  With our support, they are now expanding to add more area and better facilities.  I have thought about setting up a non-profit and seeing if we can help drive donations from the US and other “wealthy” nations to support this all volunteer team, but as of now, we will do our best to support them directly.

Also, good news, Baltazar, the head of the team, reports that they have “tenemos un nido de la especie Laúd de 79 Huevos y otro de la especie negra con 110 Huevos” – Translating to: we have 70 eggs from the leatherback turtle (critically endangered) and 110 from the black (actually Green) turtle (also endangered).  How wonderful it is to be part of saving something so threatened.  See what team biologist Gerardo Ceballos has to say about this in a short video about > La Tortuga Feliz (see multimedia section of Playa Viva website).


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